
Great stories come from great people.

In this section you find a selection of individuals who inspire the Hertlein & Rouane team. 
We analyze specific attributes and characteristics of these figures to gain valuable insights for personal growth and the benefit of Hertlein & Rouane clients. No one is perfect, but one can analyze certain traits in many people and learn from those that are admirable.

Ein schwarz-gelber Leuchtturm mit runder Spitze, umgeben von einem Geländer, steht isoliert vor einem weißen Hintergrund und dient als unerwartete Quelle für Designideen und Inspiration für kreative Projekte.

The Hertlein & Rouane Project: Inspiring People in Business


Starting in 2025, we will launch our YouTube interview series "Inspiring People in Business," where we shine a spotlight on extraordinary individuals from the fields of business and social impact. From well-known leaders to lesser-known but equally inspiring people, our series is dedicated to the stories, experiences, and visions that truly make a difference.

Hertlein & Rouane Consulting GmbH once again serves as an ambassador for pluralism and diversity. We believe that every voice matters and that true innovation and sustainable success can only emerge from diverse perspectives and experiences.


With "Inspiring People in Business," we aim to celebrate this diversity and offer insights into the minds of those who are shaping the future of our society through their work. Look forward to exciting interviews, in-depth conversations, and inspiring moments with people who not only excel in their fields but also have the courage to forge new paths.

I see now that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

Mewtwo | Character from Pokémon

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With successfully completed projects in Germany, Liechtenstein, Spain, Italy, the USA, and Switzerland, our family-owned consultancy boutique has an international and handpicked network.